
De seneste års fokus på miljøbelastningen fra plastprodukter er ikke en nyhed for os. Vi har arbejdet intenst med at designe produkter der minimerer råvareforbruget og forlænger produktets levetid. Det gør vi fordi der også er økonomi i at tænke i grønne plast løsninger. 

The past years focus on the environmental footprint from Plastics products, is not news for us. We have worked intensely on designing products that minimize raw material consumption and increases the length of the product lifecycle for decades, because there is also economy in thinking in green solutions.

Genanvendt husholdnings plast

Dette er en regenereret polymer som er indsamlet fra husholdningsaffald i vores lokalområde. Affaldet sorteres, renses og laves til nye granulater. Dette materiale kan bruges til sorte PP/PE-produkter, der ikke kræver fødevaregodkendelse.

Recycled household waste materials

This is a regenerated polymer collected from household waste in our local area. The waste is sorted, cleaned and made into new granulates. This material can be used for black PP/PE products that does not need food approvals.

Biobaseret og bionedbrydeligt

Bioplast er en type plastik, der er fremstillet af biologisk nedbrydelige eller fornybare råvarer såsom majsstivelse, sukkerroer, træfibre eller cellulose. Det kan være et bæredygtigt alternativ til konventionel plastik, der normalt er lavet af ikke-biologisk nedbrydelige materialer som olie eller gas.

Bioplast kan nedbrydes af naturlige mikroorganismer og omdannes til vand, kuldioxid og biomasse. Nogle typer kan også genanvendes og bruges til at producere andre produkter.

Biobased and biodegradeable

Bioplastic is a type of plastic that is made from biodegradable or renewable raw materials such as corn starch, sugar beet, wood fibers or cellulose. It can be a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics that are usually made from non-biodegradable materials such as oil or gas.

​Bioplastics can be broken down by natural microorganisms and converted into water, carbon dioxide and biomass. Some types can also be recycled and used to produce other products.

Genbrugs materialer

I vores sortiment af genbrugsmaterialer har vi blandt andet PP/PE, ABS, PC, PC/ABS og PA6. Hvis du har et produkt som du ønsker skal produceres i et genanvendt materiale har vi mange løsnings muligheder og svar på den reelle reduktion i miljøbelastningen.

Recycled materials

In our assortment of recycled materials, we have, PP/PE, ABS, PC, PC/ABS and PA6. We can adapt material selection and production to the customer's specific wishes for a recycled material. We have a lot of  options and we are able to  reduction of environmental impact.​


Member of Operation Clean Sweep

​Raw materials can end up as waste from spills from damage to packaging. From granulats spills are led via the sewer system to the water treatment plants and in to the aquatic environment. As a member of Operation clean sweep, our company is focused on stopping this source of pollution.

CO2 neutral energy

We have chosen a "Green Game changer" strategy to produce all our plastic products sustainably. Therefore, we buy CO2 neutral green energy corresponding to 100% of the company's energy consumption. The orgin of the energy is certified water and wind power.

When designing new plastic products, we possess valuable experience at working with new sustainable materials.

Kontakt Hammel Plast

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✓ Løsningsorienteret

Vi skaber holdbare løsninger

✓ Høj kvalitet

Vores produkter er i højeste kvalitet

✓ Flexibilitet

Produktet tilpasses til dine behov