Hammel Plast in sharp profil

- it is all about the passion.

Our history​


​It all started in Hammel with an idea and a passion for first class toolmaking. 

A single mans´ company that quickly developed and hired employees and bought new machinery.


New production facility was built to support the company growth.


4 brand new injection moulding machines was installed and 8 customers was the foundation for the beginning of Hammel Plast.


Over these years Hammel Plast acquires 4 different companies. The production is improved and automated as order volumes increases.


Hammel Plast gathers all activities in a new build factory. Company activities from 3 locations is united to achieve a synergy between employees and facilities.


We see a green future for the plastic industry and especially for Hammel Plast. We will work to re-think, re-duce and re-use plastic products to develop the most sustainable products possible.

Because of the nature of our business, we attract passionate people who want to make a difference through their work. ​We have been fortunate to direct that passion toward solving the challenges of future plastic products

Ledelse hos Hammel Plast

Bent Pedersen


Mit ultimative job er at løse komplekse opgaver for vores kunder med kreative løsninger. Mange år i branchen som værktøjsmager har givet mig modet til at udfordre teorier og principper, med det resultat at vi levere innovative plast løsninger til fordel for vores kunder og os selv. ​

My ultimate job is to solve complex tasks for our customers with creative solutions. Many years of experience as a toolmaker have given me the courage to challenge the old principles, the result is innovative plastic components that is an advantage for ourself and our customers.​

Anni Oxholm

Finance and Customer supporter

​Jeg har stor passion for strømlinede processer, orden og effektive systemer. Det er en stor del af mit daglige arbejde, sammen med vores medarbejdere, at sikre vi levere produkter til tiden i den rette kvalitet. 

I greatly appreciate streamlined processes, order and efficient systems.​ It is a big part of my daily work, together with our employees, to ensure we deliver items in the right quality on time.

Maja Oxholm Rasmussen


Jeg finder store kreativitet i alt som omgiver mig. Ideer og design er dybt funderet i min mentalitet og jeg finder løsninger i alt fra teknologi til naturen. 

I find huge creativity in everything that surrounds me. ​Ideas and designs are deeply rooted in my mentality and I gather solutions from everything that inspires me from technology to nature.

Anders Rasmussen


​Mit arbejde er drevet af en fascination for teknologi. Mine evner til at få ting til at fungere resultere ofte i mange forskellige opgaver på mit arbejdsbord. Men altid med fokus på at arbejde smartere. 

I am driven by a fascination of technologies.

My talent for making things work, often
results in many different tasks on my table. All focused on making us work smarter.

Kontakt Hammel Plast

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✓ Løsningsorienteret

Vi skaber holdbare løsninger

✓ Høj kvalitet

Vores produkter er i højeste kvalitet

✓ Flexibilitet

Produktet tilpasses til dine behov